Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Mukesh Ambani’s House

See different Views of Ambani’s House here
Indian businessman Mukesh Ambani who has already got familiarity as a billionaire is making another history for his billion dollar luxury living place named Antilla. Mukesh Ambani’s house being constructed in Mumbai, the financial capital of India, snatched the attention of people by its luxury facilities such as modern parking system, car maintenance, entertainment and healthy floors, amusing balconies, helipad, air space floor and so on.
It is not surprising that most of the rich people who are especially billionaire usually spend billions of dollars indeed for making their living places. The world’s richest people Bill Gates and some others like Lakshmi Mittal are not exceptional in this case. Followed by the rich tycoon, Mukesh Ambani bought house property sized around 49,000 square feet plot placed in Mumbai in the year of 2002 and made some special plans regarding construction.
The world’s fifth richest person Mukesh Ambani is the chief of petrochemical giant Reliance Industries, the biggest private sector project in India based on Mumbai. According to Forbes Magazine, Ambani possesses more than 43 billion US dollars. The Asian billionaire is a businessman by profession. He is an Indian origin and now resides at 22 storied Mumbai tower. Ambani got married with Nita. The couple has three more children.
Ins and outs of the luxury house:
Ambani’s highly expensive building that was estimated 60-storeyed home is situated in one of the posh street- Altamount Road. Its cost was fixed approximately two billion US dollars and four thousands crores Indian rupees. The height of the Mumbai skyscraper will suppose to be 173 meter.
The building is planned to build with very gorgeous designs as like as maharaja’s palace. It was designed by Chicago’s eminent skilled designer Perkins and Will.
If anybody ask why Mukesh Ambani’s house is so important to talk about, the answer is very easy that it is exceptional in terms of its diverse facilities. The special features of the building can mention here are, for instance, helipads, three rooftop landing areas, family residence of four floors with eye catching scenery of the Arabian Sea, apartments for guests hospitality, swimming pool, gym, health centre, garden, balconies, foliage floors, entertainment centre called theater reserved for cinema watching, car parking extra rooms that made it expensive and extraordinary as well.
Goes with up-do-the-minute:
A number of smooth and easy elevators, several storerooms, lounges are added some specialty in the luxurious features of Ambani’s Mumbai home. The entertainment hall room is decorated with up-to-date digital monitors, speakers and pricy substances. The visitors can find indoor or outdoor bar, entourage room, green room. There are some other particular arrangements for security system where guards and assistants are deployed round the clock.
What makes Antilla so expensive?
Though the building is designed to build 60 more stories, it will actually stand just 27 stories only as there would be considerably space between the floors. Each of the floors will be higher than the usual average of about three meters.
Parking and maintenance :
For keeping the vehicles in well organized inside the house, at least six more floors are reserved for parking where two are booked for personal use of Ambani’s family. Besides, an in-house car servicing centre is installed in fact that is allocated for the seventh floor.
Keeping residents healthy:
A floor (number ninth) called ‘health’ is kept for physical exercise having some sports arrangements like swimming pool, athletics, health club and gymnasium. And for entertaining guests of Ambani family, glass fronted decorating two floors is allotted that is placed just on top of health floor.
Special decoration for the family:
Having nice and wonderful views along with designs of Arabian Sea, the top four floors are arranged for using Mukesh’s family included his wife, Neeta, children and mother Kokilaben.
Entertainment floor:
Holding 50 people capacity, a mini theatre hall is set up at the eighth floor with a view to providing pure entertainment and amusement.
Air space floor – helipad:
There is an air space at the very top two floors which will act for landing helicopters on the helipad on top of the building. It can be mention here that three helipads will be deployed above the multi-storied building.
Imagination would come in true!
Source :
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Statue of Unity – Gujarat
On the eve of entering 10th year of his rule as Gujarat Chief Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressed a press conference in Ahmedabad’s GLS auditorium on Wednesday, and announced state government’s plan to install Sardar Patel’s 182 meter high ‘Statue of Unity’ 3 km away from Narmada dam at a place known as Sadhu bet.
Proposed statue will be double in height compare to America’s Statue of Liberty, and five times higher than Reao Di Janero based Jesus Christ statue. It will be the highest statue in the world, The Chief Minister in his video presentation said, there will be surveys conducted for environmental and other issues related to this project. He said, a research centre for good governance will come up in the statue complex. One would be able to reach the statue through boat ride in the river.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I got second payout - amazing
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Ideas for a Changing India: Nandan Nilekani
Only if the people have education, they have good health, they have infrastructure, they have roads to go to work, they have lights to study at night –only in those cases can you really get the benefit of a demographic dividend. In other words, if you don't really invest in the human capital, the same demographic dividend can be a demographic disaster,” says Nandan Nilekani, the the visionary co-founder of outsourcing pioneer Infosys.
Imagining India: Nandan Nilekani

His book Imagining India asks big questions: How can India –which made such leaps in the past two decades –maintain its demographic advantage? How can democracy and education be promoted? How, in the midst of such growth, can the environment be protected for the next generations?
In his talk at TED, he explains four brands of ideas that will determine whether India can continue its recent breakneck progress. Check out:
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Balloon Journey at Ahmedabad
At kankaria lakefront, soon you would be able to go up into the sky to have a view of the city from height. A tethered balloon will be brought here and tied by motorised rope. It and will go up for more than 300 ft vertically. It will be steady there for some time, and will be brought down then after. In a platform of balloon, several people will be able to stand and enjoy the view from height. The balloon is being imported from England for this purpose. This will be the first of its kind attraction in India. The ticket prices are yet not decided.
Source : Deshgujarat
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
माइक्रोवेव बनाने की युक्ति तब मिली जब एक वैज्ञानिक रडार ट्यूब से गुजरा और उसका चॉकलेट पिघल गया।

बार्बी डॉल बानाने की प्रेरणा 1930 में जर्मनी में प्रचार के लिए इस्तेमाल की गई गुड़िया से ली गई थी।

मनुष्य के जीभ में 2,000-8,000 टेस्ट बड्स होते हैं, जो भोजन के स्वाद का पता लगाते हैं।

एक ब्ल्यू व्हेल एक दिन में तीन टन भोजन खा सकती है और वह 6 महीने तक बग़ैर कुछ खाए ज़िंदा रह सकती है।

वायलिन लकड़ी के 70 अलग अलग टुकड़ों से मिलकर बनता है

बोइंग 747 विमान में एक बार में 2,16,847 लीटर तक ईंधन भरा जा सकता है|

टमाटर दुनिया का सबसे मशहूर फल है वह सेवफल और केले से ज्यादा बिकता है

जॉर्जिया में आदमी के चेहरे या पृष्ठ भाग पर थप्पड़ मारना कानूनन अपराध है।

छींकते वक्त आपकी आंखें अपने आप बंद हो जाती है

चांद पर पहुंचनेवाले पहले व्यक्ति नील आर्मस्ट्रांग ने सबसे पहले अपना बांया पैर चांद पर रखा था

दुनिया के आधे समाचारपत्र अमरीका और कैनेडा में छपते हैं।

एक चूहा पानी के बिना ऊंट से भी ज्यादा समय तक जिंदा रह सकता है।

बड़ों से ज्यादा नवजात शिशु सपने देखने में समय बिताते हैं

पृथ्वी पर प्रति मिनट 6000 बार बिजली चमकती है!

लॉस वेगास के गैंबलिंग कैसिनोज चौबीसों घंटे खुले रहते हैं !

ताश के पत्ते पर लाल पान के बादशाह को छोड़कर सभी की मूंछे होती हैं।

एम्पायर स्टेट बिल्डिंग में 1 करोड़ से अधिक ईंटों का इस्तेमाल हुआ हैं!

पूरी जिंदगी के दौरान इंसान 60000 पाउंड खाना खा लेता है, जिसका वजन लगभग 6 हाथियों के बराबर होता है

औसतन हर व्यक्ति वर्ष में 1460 से अधिक बार सपने देखता है।

क्या आप जानते हैं पैंगुइन हवा में 6 फुट ऊंची छलांग लगा सकती हैं

कनाडा के मार्क हेनरी का दांत दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा दांत है।

source : dbcorp